JP Hospital, Rourkela celebrated National Pharmacovigilance Week & Patient Safety Week from 17th to 23rd September 2023 in its Academic Section. The program was celebrated for 1st time under the Dept. Of Clinical Pharmacology headed by Dr Sourya Mohapatra (Pharmacovigilance Officer) with multiple activities to sensitize public and healthcare professionals for adverse drug reaction, recognition and, reporting.

The National Pharmacovigilance Week is celebrated throughout the country from 17th to 23rd September 2023 every year with a theme. This year the theme was ‘Boosting public confidence in Pharmacovigilance’.This program mainly deals with the detection, assessment, analysis and prevention of reactions associated with drug intake. It is a part of the patient safety culture program and aims to decrease patient mortality and morbidity due to adverse drug reactions.

In this event, the hospital conducted a workshop on ’Spontaneous ADR reporting’ that included, how to fill an ADR form for all healthcare professionals of the hospital, to identify and report ADR in the set-up using the designated ADR forms and helpline nos. available. Besides, the hospital also took part in e-poster completion at the national level on how to ‘Strengthen Public participation in Pharmacovigilance’.

Leaflet distribution and sensitization with data on how, where and when to recognize and report ADR by patients and their relatives was done in vernacular language (Hindi and Odiya) at all clinical wards, OP- pharmacy and patient waiting areas.

To conclude, the hospital conducted an online survey for all hospital employees on their ‘Attitude, Knowledge and Awareness Regarding ADR Reporting’ and took feedback on how can we improve our existing Pharmacovigilance system in coming years.

The dedicated depts. and team members for the successful planning, arrangement and execution of this event were the Pharmacy department, Nursing Services and Quality Department along with the cooperation of the Training & Development Department headed by Asst. COO Mr. Sanjib Patnaik and the team of the Digital Communication Department.