JP Hospitals, Rourkela has one of the best equipped Burn Ward in entire Odisha and has been treating many serious burnt cases successfully.
Last month due to a major fire accident in a gutkha factory at Sambalpur, more than 25 persons were affected with more than 11 person suffering major burn. These 10 patients were referred to JP Hospitals and were admitted under Dr. Satyajit Sahu, HOD Burn Ward & Consultant Plastic Surgeon. After initial assessment it was found that the percentage of burn varied from 15% to a high of 45%. Since all these burn cases were respiratory burn, conditions of patients were very critical.3 patients succumbed due to severe burn.
“Other Patients were totally traumatized and had emotional as well as physical sufferings.”
Physiotherapy plays a vital role in preventing muscles contraction. As such Dr. Satyajit Sahu also advised these patients for a special physiotherapy session under Dr. Satyabrata Jena, JP Physiotherapist & Rehabilitation. The challenge was to provide early ambulatory stage to them. Also, these critical conditions required a personalized care for each patient including dressing and cleaning the wound on daily basis for faster recovery and were under clinical vigilance 24X7 basis. The supporting team comprising of nursing staffs played a very major role in the recovery The treatment continued for almost a month with each passing day moving towards their recovery. After almost a month of treatment 6 patients has been discharged.
All these six recovered patients were given a discharge farewell by the JP Family and a cake cutting ceremony was held to mark their successful recovery from a very serious condition. Anything could have happened but thanks to the effort of Dr. Satyajit Sahu & his team, they were able to recover and given new life.
The presence of a dedicated & well-equipped JP Burn Ward at Rourkela again reinforces the availability of a world-class medical services for the people of Western Odisha, without having to travel outside for treatment of such serious cases.