Jaiprakash Hospital and Research Centre, Rourkela, is the first hospital in western Odisha to have both NABH & NABL accreditation. Since its inception, it has always served more than thousands of patients successfully, providing them and their families with a new hope and scope of a better and healthier life in future. The organization has been tremendously serving society too all this while in every cultural, economic and other aspect.

Now, taking one more step further towards this noble service towards mankind, the organization has established its Educational Wing, Jaiprakash Institute of Education and Erudition (JPIEE). The inauguration was held on 12th February 2024 at JP Convention Centre where a welcome ceremony was held for the newly joined students of JPIEE along with their parents. It began with lamp lighting ceremony. The dignitaries present on this occasion were Chairman of JPHRC Mr. Sanjay Bansal, Dean & CEO Dr. D.K. Mishra, MD Dr. Chandan Bansal, MS Dr. Debasish Patanaik, OT Supt. Dr. Biswajit Mohapatra, JPIEE Prinicipal Ms. Manjula Sahoo, Vice-principal Ms. Swarnaprabha Senapati, Deputy MS Dr. S.K. Mohapatra, HOD Lab Medicine Dr. Suchitra Sahu, DNS Ms. Bonney Baziroy, ANS Ms. Suman Maharana, ANS Ms. Bandita Patra, Asst COOs Mr. Sanjeev Patnaik and Ms. Moushumi Pattnaik and HOD JPIEE Mr. Saroj Sharma.

Mr. Sanjay Bansal shared his views by saying that he has been blessed with another opportunity to serve the society excellently again and the entire organization along with its members will fully ensure to enrich the lives of the students to the fullest. JPIEE educational Institute is the very first of its kind in Rourkela and sub regional area.
Dr. D.K. Mishra shared his views among the parents and students by stressing importance on learning, acquiring knowledge, and getting certified to have a successful career ahead.
Dr. Chandan Bansal shared his viewpoints by letting the gathering know that this Institution involves and implements both practical and theoretical approach during the study phase which will produce a nurtured and fully equipped individual capable to handle any situation in coming future.
Dr. Biswajit Mohapatra motivated the young aspiring candidates by advising them to always lay importance on asking any query they come across rather than shying away or postponing it. This will make their confidence shoot-up. The other eminent members present on the occasion too shared their valuable knowledge and views during this occasion.
Later on the parents and students were given an opportunity to share their feelings on this special day for them and their children. One of the parents said how once he was saved from critical illness by JP Hospital after which his faith on the hospital has increased. Thus he is complete trust on upon the Institute related to his child’s career. The event ended with a vote of thanks given by Mr. Saroj Sharma, HOP-JPIEE. After that a doubt sessions was conducted followed by a sumptuous lunch for the people. The last date of admission is 29th February 2024. JPIEE is situated in Vishwakarma vihar, Dandiapali, Rourkela.